Arts Broker | Brand and website design | Social Media | Project Management
Making Art Work – Creative Rodney East is an arts initiative from the Rodney Local Board to support and enable community-led arts activities throughout the Rodney East area.
Projects supported include dance, film, craft, visual arts, music, kapa-haka, spoken word, digital arts, publication, performance or an exhibition. Both individuals and groups are supported by Making Art Work. The main criteria for receiving support is that the creative project will meaningfully involve the community, be led by local people and have a strong creative idea behind it.
Renée is the Arts Broker for the initiative, which involves identifying, curating, programming and enabling community arts activities. As the Arts Broker, Renée works with local artists and creative organisations to offer support in the development and delivery of their creative ideas and projects, whether this be assisting with funding, marketing, or helping to find the right location or people to work with.